Ostomates guide to surviving Christmas | KTMY

21 December 2016

Ostomates guide to surviving Christmas

Christmas is nearly upon us so I thought I would do a little blog post with some tips and tricks for surviving the festive period successfully with your Stoma.

  • Make sure you've ordered enough bags and supplies to get you through Christmas and New Year. If you look like you're running low, ring up your supplier and get some ordered ASAP! I know SecuriCare are really good at doing last minute emergency orders, they've done it for me before, so ring and see what they can do for you!
  • Eat consistently this is something I really struggle with, especially over the festive period. Our routines completely change at this time of the year but don't leave long periods of time without food and save yourself for the big dinner because it can cause a bit of trouble. I did this when we had our flat christmas dinner and I had really bad belly ache afterwards
  • Carrying on with the food theme, some of the richer foods, and brussel sprouts, can cause wind and your bag to ballon. Some ways to help and prevent this is by drinking peppermint tea, yoghurt and eating regularly.
  • Food can cause problems for some ostomates so don't eat things which you know will cause you blockages (I know, this seems like a pretty obvious one!).  I sometimes struggle with raw veg (not all the time as long as I chew well) and I don't like to risk it over the festive season (who wants to be ill at Christmas?!) so some tips would be to cook your veg well, remove skins from potatoes and stay away from whole nuts! 
  • Keep hydrated it's easy when it's so busy and cold to not drink enough water and fluids so try to keep on top of it, especially if you're drinking alcohol! 
So those are few tips to get you through the festive season. The most important thing though is to enjoy christmas and have fun!

Don't forget to leave your festive survival tips in the comments below! 



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