SecuriCare Travel Bag Review | KTMY

16 May 2016

SecuriCare Travel Bag Review

If you read my flying with an ostomy post you'll have seen that I mentioned the SecuriCare travel bag which I took on holiday with me. It's a nifty little bag which is perfect for carrying all your stoma stuff when you're travelling. Unlike the normal carry bags you get from SecuriCare, this one is more slimline, easier to carry and you can even fit it quite easily in your backpack if you don't want to carry it. I thought I'd do a little in depth review of the bag because I found it so handy when I went on holiday the other week.

The bag is split into two compartments, so I'll take you through each one individually. The first half is the compartment which I keep my blue bags, cotton swabs and LBF wipes. In the picture, I also have my adhesive spray however if you're going on an aeroplane, that'll have to go in your main bag as you can't carry aerosols. Instead, in that compartment, I kept my wipe version of the adhesive remover which is perfect for if you're only taking hand luggage.

It also has really handy hooks so you can hang the bag up and a mirror if you don't have one where you're changing your bag so you can keep an eye on it! I thought the design of this bit of the bag was really good as you can stand it up, making it a lot easier to get what you need.

The second part of the bag zips down completely and can lie flat. It has no compartments in it so I keep all my bags in here and I also keep my towel cover for my bag which I use when I go swimming. Before I went on holiday, I pre cut enough bags to last a bag change every day (even though I change every other day) so if I lost my case which had my scissors in, I'd still be able to change my bags no problem.

I definitely over packed on bags, but thats better than not having enough! Everywhere I looked, including asking my stoma nurses, said to pack double what you need so you'll definitely have enough. I took enough for two weeks, bag change every day, even though I was only going for one week and normally change every other day. I think in the future, I'll take enough for one change every day and then a few extra on top as I found I didn't have to change every day.

So that's my thoughts on the SecuriCare Travel Bag, which is FREE for SecuriCare customers. If you want to find out more, you can give them a ring on  0800 585 125 (New customers) or 0800 318 965 (existing customers) and one of their lovely employees will help you help what you need.

If you want to know more about the stoma products I use, I did this post on what bags I have etc.

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