My New Favourite Evening Dress | KTMY

7 June 2016

My New Favourite Evening Dress

How beautiful is this dress from Little Black Dress?! I often find it hard to find an evening dress which I'm comfortable in however this little number feels so special but I still feel like me in it. I think part of that is down to the skater cut of the dress which is definitely one of my favourite cuts of dress. 

The dress is the Kendall dress from the LBD and I just love the simplicity of it. The simple design with the mesh chevrons make a classic little black dress just that little bit more special and different. 

A note to ostomates, this dress is brilliant as it flares out at the waist and is therefor not tight where your bag is. As I was looking on the website, I noticed they do have a few which won't be too tight on the bag area, but I can highly recommend this dress if you're looking for an evening dress. 

I think that the back of his dress is equally as beautiful as the front; I love the little strap detail! The way the dress moves is beautiful and it feels really flowy, even though it's knee length and I think that's a reason why I like it so much. 

Side note, I wore these pale pink/flesh coloured heels from Clarkes but they were so uncomfy! I have no clue how I wore them to prom two years ago!! (FYI how was my prom two years ago?!?!). Though it might have something to do with the fact that they are now a size too big for me seeing as my feet have shrunk; I definitely still need to find a good pair of heels to wear with it; leave your suggestions in the comments below. 

Little Black Dress are currently running a Graduate Competition where you can win any dress from the BLACK and LBD ranges, including the Kendall dress! You can head over to their website to find out all the details on how you can enter. 

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