The Liebster Award | KTMY

10 February 2015

The Liebster Award

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I've been tagged by the lovely Shannon to do the Liebster Award where I answer 11 questions which help you all get to know me a little bit better! 

M Y   Q U E S T I O N S

1. If you could only wear one pair of shoes for the rest of the year, what would they be? 

This is a toughie because I love shoes but I have three go to pairs; my white leather low top converse, my heeled black boots and my brown Chelsea boots but if I had to choose one out of those three I'd probably go for the Chelsea boots because they are so comfy and go with the majority of my wardrobe. 

2. Do you have any weird and wonderful talents? 

Erm, I wouldn't say I have any weird and wonderful talents, just your bog standard normal talents; I can dance and play the piano and clarinet. Talents, but not weird and wonderful! 

3. If yes, what are they? 

I've just realised that I do have one talent, if you can call it a talent! I can pretty much recite the Harry Potter films; if you ever have the pleasure of watching them with me, I'll be talking along with it. I also have this ability with High School Musical too, because I was so obsessed with it when I was younger...some things never leave you!

4. What is your favourite TV show? 

Only one! This is a toughie. I'm obsessed with Pretty Little Liars and Chasing Life at the moment but U also have a soft spot for Waterloo Road and Glee. But I have to say that right this moment my favourite show is Broadchurch; I loved the first series and I'm absolutely hooked on the second at the moment. 

5. What is one product you can't live without? 

I don't know if this is beauty, make up of life in general products? So I'll tell you all three! My can't live without beauty product is the Neutrogena oil free Moisturiser which makes my skin feel super hydrated without leaving my T-zone even more oily. My can't live without make up product is probably Benefit's They're Real Mascara. Even on days where I don't feel like putting make up on, I'll maybe put some mascara on if I'm going out because it makes me look more awake and it finishes a make up look.

6. Books or Movies

It's got to be books for me. I'm a movie buff but I love how lost you can get in a book to the point where you feel like your actually there with the characters, just through the power of words. There is no better feeling than been totally immersed in a book and loosing yourself in their world. 

7. Favourite Movie and Book

I'm putting Harry Potter to the side because I feel like that's a given. My favourite film recently has been the Riot Boys because it was such a good film with some very good looking boys in suites in. What's not to love! I also watched The Book Thief recently and loved that too. My favourite book is a hard one! But I love The Fault in Our Stars (cliche, I know but it's John Green) and We were Liars

8. Are you a disney lover? 

Of course!!! I love disney way too much. Last year, I went to disneyland paris with three of my best friends which marked my 10th visit there and the magic is still well and truly there. I really want to go to Florida to the park there...who knows, maybe soon. My favourite Disney film has to be 101 dalmatians but I love them all to be honest and I cannot wait for the remake of Cinderella! 

9. What is your favourite candle sent? 

I love christmas scents, like cinnamon, but I love those clean scents too to such as classic vanilla. 

10. Red lips or Dark eyes? 

I love red lips but I feel like I can't pull it off but I am a fan of the dark smokey eye

11. If you could visit one place in the world, where would you go?

I have three places; Orlando (Disney and Harry Potter DUH!), New York and Sydney Australia

I  T A G . . .

Rebecca at Rebecca Marie
Kimberly at All My Own Stunts
Carmen at It's Carmen
Mara at Mara Shares
Meghan at MeghanSilva
Rachel at Broomfie
Rebecca at Sheintheknow

M Y  Q U E S T I O N S 

1. Instagram, Twitter or Facebook? 
2. Most used item in your make up bag
3. Do you cry at films? 
4. Favourite song at the moment
5. Sweet or Savoury?
6. Favourite hughstreet shop? 
7. Coffee or tea? 
8. What's your favourite thing to do in the summer? 
9. How did you decide on your blog name?
10. Why did you start blogging?
11. What's the best piece of advice you've ever been given/given to someone?

T H E   R U L E S 

1. Name the person who nominated you
2. Answer the 11 questions given to you
3. Give 11 questions to your nominees who must have 200 followers or less
4. Notify who you tagged and share the love by commenting

Katie xo


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