FOOD | Healthy Green Chicken Stir Fry | KTMY

5 February 2015

FOOD | Healthy Green Chicken Stir Fry

Do you ever have those days where you cook a meal and surprise yourself with how nice it is? That happened to me this evening and I felt I had to share it with you all! I love trying new recipes and this was one I kind of just threw together with some left over veg I had in the fridge. It's super quick, super tasty and super healthy. A win win all round.

What you need:
  • two small chicken breasts, diced
  • half a green pepper (or any colour)
  • a handful of button mushrooms, halved
  • Fine egg noodes
  • 10 green beans
  • 4 spring onions OR half an onion
  • Sweet chilli sauce
  • Cayenne Pepper
  • Coriander leaves
  • oil (for the pan)
Lets get cooking...
  1. Cut all your veg and chicken (on different chopping boards and clean your knife between!). I made the mistake of starting to brown my chicken before I'd prepped my veg which led to me having to get my flat mate to keep moving my chicken around in the wok whilst I madly chopped veg
  2. Oil the wok and start to brown the chicken I'm a complete chicken when it comes to chicken (sorry about that terrible pun) and probably over cook it because I'm terrified of getting food poisoning and killing myself by accident. Also put in some cayenne pepper, as much or as little as you like. I put about 11/2  teaspoon in. Mix it with your chicken and let it cook
  3. Boil water and cook the noodles if you use the Blue Dragon noodles (which I did this time) then they take about five minutes so put them on when your chicken is looking cooked
  4. Add your veg at the same time you put your noodles on. Stir it all in and sprinkle in some coriander leaves (about 1 teaspoon)
  5. Time to stir fry! after 5 minutes (or when the noodles are cooked, always check and don't trust the times on the pack) drain them and add them to the veg. Mix it all up and add the sweet chilli sauce (about a table spoon but I just shook the bottle about 4 times) make sure that the sauce has been properly stirred in and warmed a bit and then plate up

And voila! you have a delicious and nutritious meal.

Let me know in the comments below if you try it and tweet me your pictures @katieemay1 if you do make it

Katie xo

Currently listening to Against the Current's cover of Uptown Funk


  1. looks super delicious! thank you for sharing!
    following you on bloglovin' and twitter. hope you'll look for me too. see you around!

    a possible fantasy

    1. I'll defiantly check your blog out and I'm glad you liked the post :) xo

  2. this looks so lovely!


  3. Looks like such a lovely meal! I really wish I could cook. I'd definitely make this :)
    Rebecca // xx

    1. It's such an easy recipe if you're just starting to cook, you should have faith in yourself and go for it! xo


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