6 ways to relax | KTMY

20 February 2015

6 ways to relax

If there's one thing I love more than lazy Sunday's, it's being able to have lazy weekdays which I've had all this week due to reading week! I feel like that in this day and age, where we're all connected to each other 24/7, it's more important than ever to take a chill pill and some me time and have a break from the gruelling day to day goings on so I thought I'd share with you all by top 6 tips to winding down.

1. Turn off social media put down the iPhone and the iPad and the laptops people! This is a top for relaxing I feel but it's also probably one of the hardest to do. Trust me though, taking a step back from the internet, even if it's for a few hours, can do you the world of good. Plus, when you come back to your phone there's more than 5 new instagram updates! It's a win win.

2. Take a bath put all the lush products you can get your hands on and lie back and listen to the radio or a playlist of your choice and feel all the tension in your body disappear into the bubbles. One thing I really miss when I'm at uni is having baths but taking a nice hot shower can work just as well.

3. Read a book I find nothing more relaxing than getting lost in a good book! If your stuck for something to read, I recommend reading Since you've been gone, stater for ten and we were liars.

4. Go on a walk if your mind is full to the brim, take a walk. Breathe in the fresh air and take in the world around you. I always feel relaxed after doing on dog walks

5. Yoga I love doing yoga and always feels less stressed after doing it and I feel great

6. Listen to Music I love searching into spotify acoustic covers and listening to acoustic covers of my favourite songs. I also love listening to classical versions of songs I love too, one of my favourite artists being The Piano Guys

These are my tips for relaxing but please leave your relaxation tips in the comments below!

Katie xo

Currently listening to beautiful girls are the loneliest by McBusted


  1. Is that a Paperwhite? What do you think about it? I'm considering buying a reader but still choosing which one to get


    1. Yes, I think it is the paperweight. I really recommend it! I was skeptical at first and I think I'll always prefer books but it's great for taking places and you can read in the dark. I defiantly recommend getting the touch screen ones though because the ones which aren't touch screen are much harder to use, I find.
      I hope this helps!

      Katie xo


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