Time to DeFrazzle | KTMY

6 January 2017

Time to DeFrazzle

One of my 2017 goals is to become healthier, mentally as well as physically. One of the ways which I've decided to become healthier mentally is to make sure I'm practicing mindfulness on a regular basis and trying to defrazzle my brain a bit.

I was really excited when Penguin Books sent me Ruby Wax's A Mindfulness Guide to the Frazzled because I'd actually seen Ruby talking about the book earlier in the year. This book is actually really good at explaining the science behind mindfulness as well as practical advice on how to practice mindfulness and then Ruby's life experiences of using mindfulness and what led her to starting. Of course, as a comedian, there are some very funny bits in the book as well.

We now live in a world where it is incredibly hard to switch off and get away from everything. Reading the book gave me the idea to write a list of the things which make me feel calmer and less frazzled and I've decided to do at least one of these things a week, if not more often!

A list of things which make me feel less frazzled; 

  • Going on walks
  • Reading a book 
  • Yoga/meditation
  • Exersize in general 
  • Drawing 
  • Writing

By doing some of these things every day/week and unplugging myself from the internet and screens, I'm hoping it will make me feel calmer. I already have a plan to do more exercise and yoga but by introducing daily meditation, which is something I'm really looking forward to doing, and creative things, my mental health is going to be grateful for it! 

How do you relax and defrazzle? 

This post contains a press sample

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