The Shadow Switch Dry Brush Cleaner | KTMY

9 January 2017

The Shadow Switch Dry Brush Cleaner

We've all been there, trying to create the perfect eye shadow look but failing because the colours you've been using keep blending on the brush and either your eye, or your hand when your attempting to change colours, ends up looking like some weird bruise on your hand.

My favourite eye shadow palettes are the moment is this Kiko colour fever quad in the shade 101 and this little Ted Baker palette which is in the most beautiful rose gold packaging which is perfect for day and night looks but switching from those dark colours to lighter ones isn't that easy - you can see how my hand ends up looking like a bruise!

The Shadow Switch Dry Brush Cleaner is a genius little contraption which picks up any left over eyeshadow when you roll it over letting you quickly switch from one colour to the other. 

I was quite confused about what the product was until it came - it's a small tin with a wire sponge type thing in it which you roll the brush over in a clockwise motion - it's super simple and has made my makeup routine so much easier and means my eyeshadow brushes are kept a little bit cleaner between brush cleaning sessions! 

What's your favourite eyeshadow at the moment? 

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1 comment

  1. These are good things that will add more attractive look in beauty so I am going to buy these for my wife as gift for her. cheap dissertation writing service


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