#7daysofIBD | Why I'm Grateful for my Stoma | KTMY

3 December 2015

#7daysofIBD | Why I'm Grateful for my Stoma

Having IBD is draining and when you get told you have to have surgery for it, you start to wonder how you ended up the way you are but I have to say I am very grateful for my stoma (even though I do complain about it sometimes) and I feel like the last 24 hours I realised how much better I am than I was last year.

It's been a whirlwind of 24 hours as I did a flying visit home to go and see Diversity. Rushing to the train station, I took the hour and a half train journey home. It's so nice to be able to get on the train and not have to worry about going to the toilet umpteen times.

Then me and my mum went to pizza express for tea and it's great to be able to eat a meal and not worry about how it's going to effect my tummy and the impending doom of whether I was going to be in pain or not after eating. So I got the Carbonara pizza and let me tell you, it was gorgeous! And I wasn't in pain afterwards!! Katie 1 - UC 0

And then it was show time. I still find it amazing that I can sit through two hour long shows and not have to worry about where the toilet is and running to it half way through the show and missing half of it. It's great been able to sit comfortably.

Diversity were so amazing and their routines were so inspiring. There was a great mix of music, dance, humour and inspiration and I loved their mantra of Dream, Believe, Achieve. If you ever have the opportunity to go and see them live, do because it is breathtaking!

So that was my Wednesday and now I'm back at uni and having a rest catching up on last nights I'm a Celeb because it's important to get your rest people!

 If you want more information, head over to the Crohn's and Colitis charity website, go and have a search of the #7daysofIBD and read about other peoples lives with IBD and get involved yourself in the hashtag and finally, donate to the charity by texting DAYS22 £3 to 70070.

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