Why I Stopped Bullet Journalling | KTMY

15 August 2016

Why I Stopped Bullet Journalling

Remember back in April & May when everyone (myself included) was obsessed with bullet journalling and every man and his dog was super organised with their LEUCHTTURM1917 Notebooks. Well, I hate to break it to you all, but I have stopped using my bullet journal.
It wasn't an intentional thing but as soon as I finished my exams, so did my bullet journal. Maybe it was because I was suddenly not busy and need to keep such a regimented schedule, or maybe it was to do with the fact I realised I used my bullet journal to procrastinate doing what I was meant to be doing.

Seeing how beautiful and artistic everyone's was looking, I became more focused on making sure it looked "instagram ready" rather than writing what I needed. I genuinely found myself thinking "but I don't have my green pen to write down what blog things I have to do" and "I haven't made this weeks spread look pretty yet and colour co-ordinated. I best stop doing revision whilst I beautify it" No Katie. Just get on with your damn revision and write your to do list!

It dawned on me that the thing which was meant to help me get organised was suddenly hindering me so I decided to stop. The world didn't fall apart and all was fine.

However, I recently found that I wasn't sleeping well because I had lots of things to do and I was worried about forgetting to do important things. So, I dusted off the old bullet journal, went to a fresh page and started writing to do lists. I felt so much better but I also don't have that need to make it look pretty.

So now I do weekly to do lists. Simple and understated but you know what, it actually works. For me, Bullet Journals were a little too complicated and a very good was of procrastinating!

Did you jump on the Bullet Journal bandwagon? Do you still Bullet Journal now? Let me know in the comments below what your opinions are!

1 comment

  1. I bullet journaled last year but it was never pretty, i'm just not an artistic person unfortunately. I stopped doing it unconsciously, don't even know when. I wonder how many that took it up earlier this year when the 'craze' happened are still doing it now?
    Amy at Amy & More


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