RECOVERY // 1 Month Post Op | KTMY

15 May 2015

RECOVERY // 1 Month Post Op

I've made it to the 1 month mark! It's crazy to think that exactly one month ago I was knocked out and some people were inside me taking my colon's a bit weird really.

I've been overwhelmed by the messages people have been sending me and all the positive comments that have been said! It's really touching to see how much people care, even people I don't know and I would say it's really helped me in my own recovery; to know that I've been able to help a few people in similar situations to my own.

This first month has shown me how quickly the body can heal as the past few days I've been in hardly any pain when I move (getting out of bed wasn't the easiest!) and today I've even been able to wear my skinny jeans for the first time which makes me ohsohappy! I went out shopping the other day too which was scary knowing that I was going to be out all day and have no nap but I managed it! The key is take it slowly and have lots of coffee breaks which I can always manage and make sure you have the next day to sleep...I had a 2 hour nap yesterday which was very nice but I was so unbelievably tired from shopping!

a very happy me today in my skinny jeans

Gradually I've been introducing more and more foods into my diet (though I'm still staying away from raw fruit and veg atm) and even went for a swanky lunch at Sharrow Bay as well as various lunches out.

My scars have slowly begun healing too and are actually quite itchy which is very annoying! I had this weird glue thing in my belly button (I'm still not sure what it was) and that fell out last week and around the mucus fistula and stoma the edges are really smoothing out and a mini staple even came out!

Scars 2 weeks post op
1 month post op

I'm nearly off all my medication too! It feels really weird to only be taking three tablets now; two calcium and one lanzoprozol. I was so happy to finish the steroids last week after been on them for so long and knowing that I'm unlikely to be put on them again. And on Wednesday I was told I didn't have to put the enema down my mucus fistula either which I jumped for joy at (literally) because it wasn't the most practical or comfortable thing to do.

Action shot of me taking my last (hopefully ever) steroid!

Everyday I feel slightly better or I'm able to do something I wasn't before and yes, I get really tired if I do too much, but I know that thats just my body saying whoa I'm still healing ya know! and eventually I'll be able to get away with not having my afternoon naps! It's a slow process and I still have bad days but it will get least that's what I keep telling myself!

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