HEALTH // Let's Get Hydrated | KTMY

13 May 2015

HEALTH // Let's Get Hydrated

Hydration is important for everyone and is vital and drinking water is really important as part of a healthy diet and for having good skin too. Hydration is even more important for us who have had ileostomy surgery (or any bowel surgery tbh) and we have to drink more fluids (mainly water) a day to avoid dehydration as there is no longer the large colon to reabsorb the water back into the body.

I've always enjoyed drinking water however I have found myself getting a bit bored with glass after glass of the stuff. After browsing Pinterest and InstagramI came across fruit infused water and thought it would be a great, healthy way to keep water in my diet but having different flavours.

I tried strawberry, mint and lemon in my water today and it was so refreshing! After having a search of different flavours I can't wait to try others too. I'm not a huge fruit fan but I think this is a great way of introducing fruit into your diet.

All you need is some fruit and some water and then pop it in the fridge. A quick side note that citrus fruits infuse a lot quicker than berries so if you are using berries, maybe just leave the water for a few hours to infuse properly.

Follow KTMY's board Let's get hydrated on Pinterest.

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