I don't get Bridget Jones | KTMY

25 January 2015

I don't get Bridget Jones

Bridget Jones was once again being replayed on tv last night and I decided to watch it, until 20 minutes in I had to turn it off because I came to the sudden realisation that I cannot stand the Bridget Jones Diary films. It had been quite a long time since I last watched one and I just found it insanely annoying and whiney

Now, I know that to some this will sound like blasphemy but it can't  just me who cannot stand her constant drivel on whether or not she should be with Darcey; 15 minutes in and she'd nearly broken up with him twice for no real apparent reason and in the few moments she wasn't with him it was a constant monologue of how much she needed him. 

This may be sounding like it's going on to a feminist rant about how a woman shouldn't be defined my a man but I promise you it's not because that would make me a huge hypocrite because I like the twilight films and lets be honest, that's the basic plot line of those films/books. No, I just find it hard to believe that you could be so insecure and so dependent on someone you've been going out with for seven whole weeks and feel the need to give a running monologue of it. 

Don't get me wrong, of the small amount of time I watched the film I did laugh at some parts but I felt like I was laughing at her misfortune rather than with her at the stupidity of what was happening. That's probably the whole basis of the film, I know, but I felt bad for laughing in a way. 

The only good part of the film was Colin Firth, I'm not gonna lie! 

Let me know what your thoughts are on the film!

Katie xo


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