10 things about Autumn | KTMY

21 September 2015

10 things about Autumn

If you hadn't already guessed it, Autumn is here. And I can confirm this as I'm writing this from my new room in my new flat. Seeing as it's the start of a new season (and probably my favourite) I thought I'd share my top 10 things about autumn.

 1.  The colours. Don't you just love the autumnal browns and yellows and oranges. They're just so lush! and they make me feel all warm inside, even though it's getting cold. I love going on dog walks in this weather because the colours are so gorgeous...it's impossible not to take 100s of photos

2. KNITWARE!!! I am a massive nerd when it comes to jumpers and cardigans of the knitwear variety and now Autumn is here it is now 100% acceptable to wear them all day and all night.

3. The cold mornings. But of a weird one, I know, but I love those crisp autumn mornings where you can see your breath

4. The starbucks/costa autumn drinks. Who doesn't love a gingerbread lattes and pumpkin spice eh?! I actually had my first pumpkin spice latte (decaf, of course) of the season yesterday and it was delicious :)

5. Movie Nights! Autumn is the perfect excuse to start having nightly movie nights complete with hot chocolate and snacks!

6. Halloween time. Now, I'm not actually a huge halloween person, I get too scared to be honest, but I do like the whole atmosphere and spooky thang

7. Food. Finally the time is here where it is acceptable for soups and stews, which I love. You can't beat a good beef stew, that's all I'm saying.

8. Hot chocolate season!! and I'm talking the all the toppings kind of thing; marshmallows, whipped cream AND sprinkles.

9.  TV shows start again! Summer hiatus is finally over and all the shows start again. Hello Awkward, Faking it, Young and Hungary and Downton Abby

10. Christmas is coming!! We're nearly at the time where it is appropriate to watch Elf. Yay. I love love love christmas (who doesn't?)


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