6 months with a stoma | KTMY

19 October 2015

6 months with a stoma

This weekend just gone marked six months with a stoma which to me feels really weird because it doesn't feel like half a year since I had my surgery. When I noticed it was six months, it kind of knocked me a bit and I'm not entirely sure why. 

I normally post  positive things about having my stoma, and I still stand by all that I've said, but like I said in my World Ostomy Day post, like any chronic illness you have good days and bad days and you can't just ignore the bad days. 

The main thing which got me down is the fact that I'm still not 100% better and even though I was told it takes time to heal it still got to me that I still get really tired and things like that and because I look well on the outside and actually look like I did before I got ill a few years ago I think other people, and myself, don't realise that I'm still recovering and getting better.

As my mum said though, you've got to look at all the things to be grateful for so that's what I'm doing and I'm already starting to feel a little bit more optimistic about everything.


  1. You just have to stay strong and be patient.

    1. Thanks Leah. Luckily I'm starting to feel better mentally. Katie xo

  2. I think it's amazing that you write about this - it's definitely something that isn't talked about enough and it's great that you're blogging about it. It will help and educate people! It's great that you're beginning to feel optimistic though - everything gets better over time xx

    Sam // Samantha Betteridge

    1. Thank you for your kind words Sam. Luckily I'm starting to feel a lot better mentally. Katie xo


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