BOOK // June Book Picks | KTMY

27 June 2015

BOOK // June Book Picks

Long time to speak dear reader chum! I've had a bit if blogger block recently bust after watching Julie and Julia last weekend I feel inspired to start blogging again! I've been reading quite a bit and thought I'd share with you my June picks with you all! Let me know in the comments if you've read any of these and what you thought of them and leave some of your book recommendations so I can add some more books to my to read list :)

Me Before You
I'm not going to lie, I genuinely think this is the best book I've read this year and is up there with my favourite books of all time. It's about a man, Will, who is a quadriplegic and a woman, Louisa, who has been hired as a sort of companion/carer by his mother and their relationship. It's such a well written book which has you both laughing and crying and you cannot out it down! (trust me, I read it in a day I was that hooked!) You can expect to see/hear a lot about this book as it's coming out as a film next year, which is one of the reasons I wanted to read it, and I think it's defiantly going to be a hit.


Frozen Charlotte
This isn't one of my normal go to books but I was surprised at how good it was. It's a horror book which, if you know me, is a genre I normally hide from because I'm a bit of a scaredy cat. It's about this girl who, after the death of her best friend after using a Ouija board, goes to stay at with her uncle and three cousins where lots of terrible things have happened. It's a freaky book and if you have china dolls anywhere in your house, you might be even more freaked, but it is such a gripping book you literally can't put it down until you know what's happened and why it's happened. This is another book which I read in a matter of hours because I was so gripped and it's defiantly made me want to read more in the horror genre (I think...I may regret saying this!


Anna And The French Kiss

A romance book set in Paris. I mean, what's not to love about it? The book is about Anna who has been forced my her parents (mainly her dad) to move from Atlanta to a boarding school for Americans in Paris. What I loved about this book is the characters who were so rounded and had real personalities which you could relate to. You felt like you really knew the characters which made it so easy to get lost in their world. There are three books in the series, Anna and the French Kiss, Lola and the boy next door and Isla and the Happy Ever After and what I really liked was that even though the main characters in each book is different, all three come together really nice and it's great to see how the characters from all three books intertwine.



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