What's in my Uni Bag | KTMY

21 October 2015

What's in my Uni Bag

Something I love reading on blogs and watching on YouTube is The What's In My Bag Tag. It's a guilty pleasure of mine! So I thought I'd share with you what I take with me to university. 

So to start with, the bag I use is from M&S and I've had it for about two or three years now and it has never broken on me one (touch lots of wood!). It's spacious enough to fit all my things in (including folders) but it's not too bulky or awkward to carry.

For the contents, lets start with actual university supplies. Today I only have one workshop so I have my textbook for that subject, unit manual, folder with notes in and my notebook. I also have a few pens and a highlighter (because you never know when you're going to need to highlight things!!)

Then I have my purse, earphones, tissues and my RayBan glasses, all four of which are necessities in any bag I have! I also have a bottle of water with me and I fill it up through the day. It saves money and keeps me well hydrated!

The final thing, which I always have in my bag is my travel stoma bag with spare bags and everything just incase I have a leak whilst I'm out. I keep it all in one of the Zoella makeup bags mainly because it fits everything I need in without obviously looking like it's full of ostomy stuff! I'm going to do another post like this next week with what I keep in my travel ostomy bag.

So there you have it, my university essentials. Let me know in the comments below what your handbag/university essentials are


  1. Earphones are pretty much essential for me anytime I go out. I love your bag by the way!

    Lust For Beauty Blog

  2. Love these types of posts! Enjoyed reading about what's in your bag :)

    Yousra | Mystic Tales

  3. love this! and that bag is so cute!
    and love the blog btw! if you get the chance i would really love it if you could take the time to check out mine and let me know what you think! (or maybe even follow? no pressure though!)

    have a great week, girl!

    love, rach.

    So, hi.


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