Manchester Christmas Markets | Blogmas #5 | KTMY

5 December 2016

Manchester Christmas Markets | Blogmas #5

One of my favourite things about Christmas is the Christmas markets!

They always feel and smell so festive and I love all the different types of stalls which are there. I got some lovely presents last year for my mum and I've definitely got my eye on a few things to buy for people this year too! 

If you read yesterdays Weekly Edit you'll have seen that on Saturday I went round the markets because my family came to see me and it was so lovely to walk around; even if it was super busy!

I think my favourite thing about the Christmas markets has to be the food and drinks! There is nothing better than the hot chocolates you can get in there - especially the ones where you stir in the chocolate to the milk! And who can forget the pancakes too, I absolutely adore the pancakes!

What is your favourite thing about the christmas markets?


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