Music Monday | Currently Listening To | KTMY

11 July 2016

Music Monday | Currently Listening To

I thought I'd create a new segment on my blog, which I used to have on my old blog long before KTMY, called Music Monday (original, I know!) in the hope that it will encourage me to start listening to more new music. Back at school, I was constantly listening to new music and being influenced by my friends but recently I've been in a rut and listening to the same old things! So before I start on my adventure of listening to new music, I thought I'd show you what I'm currently loving listening too!
  • Hamilton; I'm so obsessed with Hamilton at the moment! I've had the album on repeat for the past two weeks and everytime I listen to it I swear I listen to a new song. It's such an amazing soundtrack and so cleverly written. I'm so excited for it to come to London and really hope I manage to get tickets! My favourite songs are My Shot, Alexander Hamilton, You'll Be Back, Guns and Ships and Who Lives Who Dies Who Tells Your Story
  • Let's Dance To Joy Division by The Wombats; I know this is an oldish song but it's so damn catchy!
  • Lost Boy by Ruth B; This is such a beautiful acoustic song about one of my favourite Disney films, Peter Pan.
  • 5 Seconds of Summer; It's rare that I'm not listening to 5SOS to be honest! There first album is one of my favourite albums; I think that the musicality of the boys is superb and they create some brilliant songs!
So there are some of the songs I've been listening to recently! Let me know what you've been listening too lately and leave your recommendations down below!

1 comment

  1. I really need to make time to listen to music I rarely do now. I need to know what this Hamilton is all about
    Carrieanne x


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