Uni Room Wishlist | KTMY

24 August 2015

Uni Room Wishlist

With a month until uni starts again, I've been thinking a lot about my room and what I want to get for it. I'm not going to lie, I always have the urge to buy homewear stuff however going to Primark the other week and looking at their home section, I can already feel my money walking out my purse, and that's before I've even walked into the shop! So, I decided to do a Primark Home Wishlist...

As you can probably guess, I have a thing for cushions and bedding! And how cute is that ice cream scoop! I also should mention that I don't think that my flat next year actually allows candles so I guess they'll have to stay out of the basket when I actually go shopping! 

Are you off to uni next month? If so, what's on your wishlist?



  1. These are all so gorgeous! The Primark home section is so cute. Great blog girl, just followed you on bloglovin, I love it!

    Laurel | www.alittlepieceofdriftwood.blogspot.com


    1. I love primarks home section! I'm glad you like the blog and thanks for the follow too :)

      Katie xo


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