December 2014 | KTMY

30 December 2014

The 2014 Book Review

I feel like this year, I've really accomplished one of my new years resolutions which was to read more. I love to read however in the past few years the only chance I ever got to was on holiday and I wanted to change it. All through the year (until I got to uni, but I have got into a sort of routine now as well) I've been reading and it's only now that I look back at some of the books I read I realise how much I did read! Below are my (incredibly) little reviews of each book - I hope you enjoy!


29 December 2014

My Sales Picks

After two shopping trips and a little online browsing, I thought I'd share with you what I picked up in the sales and some sales which I think are worth visiting.

What I Got For Christmas

I hope you all had a merry christmas and didn't get snowed in too badly! I've seen so many pictures from the snow on boxing day and gutted that where I live was possibly one of the only places that didn't get any snow. I thought I'd share with you what I got for christmas this year because I love reading haul posts and what's a better haul post than christmas!


24 December 2014

The Christmas Eve before bed 'To Do' List

Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house. Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse

As christmas eve draws to an end, I'd thought I'd give you my 'to do' list before you tuck up in bed and wait for the big man to come down the chimney...

23 December 2014

The one where I introduce myself

Hello there reader and welcome to my little snippet of the internet. I've sat down with a big mug of tea and thought I'd best introduce myself before I start writing this blog. 

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